Sunday, June 21, 2009

Doing the Impossible: Relationships

The old saying goes "you don't know what you've got till its gone." Anyone who has been in a remotely serious relationship knows that the successful ones are a lot of hard work. Who are we kidding? Even the unsuccessful ones are a lot of hard work. It doesn't always work out. However, the misconception is that you have to get it right the first time around otherwise it wasn't meant to be. It wouldn't matter if you two were 100% compatible but an unexpected pothole came along and steered you off course. It is understood that as a couple you are both along for the ride until the road gets altered, or the automobile runs out of gas, or gets damaged, or something else unexpected happens. At this point both parties are supposed to acknowledge the journey together is over and each person begins hitchhiking their own separate ways on opposite ends of the road. Now you're sticking your thumb out and looking to enjoy the ride with someone else and the other person probably doing the same thing. This probably isn't even the first time you've been in this situation before but for some reason this time it feels different for you. You're continuing to stick your thumb out though for some reason you can't help but turn around and see your former fellow passenger looking for the next person to pass by and give them a ride. As your thumb drops to your side and you begin walking in their direction, thoughts are formulating in your head about what you're going to say and how you're going to catch their attention. However, when you finally reach them nothing works and you finally realize that there's nothing you can say to convince them that the automobile will work again. You've got to get that car working again. You need it to work again. So now you are pushing this contraption by yourself up the road in hopes of running into the next gas station so they can fill it up or fix it. Every step you take you're holding on to a notion in the back of your mind that if you could just get that vehicle up and running before your significant other becomes the passenger of someone else's car there's no doubt you two will be back on the road together in no time. You feel like time is running out and you still haven't found that gas station. You forgot how long how you've been pushing or how long you can continue to push as you move forward with each stride with your head down watching the road go by..........................Look up! You made it! I'm here to tell you the gas station is here and they've been expecting you. So let's not waste anymore time and get to work already....

You've turned to so many people for advice and you've heard it all. Very few people had something positive to say. You've seen movies, you've read magazine articles and all this tiring searching has lead a part of you to believe maybe it is time to find a new passenger. From waiting until the third day to call to giving them a few weeks to get over it there are all these rules in love. It almost feels as if we are not allowed to make major mistakes in relationships. Well here is some breaking news: WE ARE ALL HUMAN! We all make mistakes. Relationships are no different. Sometimes the vehicle will break down but you have to ask yourself are willing to go the distance? The road of life stretches past the horizon. Life is not a destination it is a journey. If you can look into your passenger's eyes and answer "yes" through all the bumps in the road then there's always a way to make it. Continue to have faith. Faith is what brought you here and faith is what is going to get the both of you there. So let's go........

You don't know where life will take you or what it will bring you but you know who you want to bring along with you. Whether it's separation, long distance, kids and so on, if it's worth giving a thought about then it is worth salvation. Even if you feel like you've tried everything you haven't until you have. It can sometimes feel like there is too much dirt to sweep under the rug and moving on is inevitable. That is not the case. The problem is that we make it more complicated than it has to be. Its not always going to be a climatic scene out of Jerry Maguire even if that person does complete you or had you at hello. All you need is the right guidance. You can make it happen but its time to stop making excuses. Stop waiting for a miracle to happen and decide your own fate. DO IT!